Southern forces detonated 1,000 Houthi mines in Al-Dhale’

English - Thursday 27 February 2020 الساعة 05:34 pm
Al-Dhale’, Newsyemen

On Thursday, the southern joint forces destroyed around a thousand landmines and an explosive device which they removed from the liberated areas in the north of Al-Dhale’ governorate.

Field sources said, "The technical forces of the southern forces removed a large amount of landmines and explosive devices planted by the Houthi militia in areas north of Dhale’ before they were defeated."

According to the sources, the engineering teams have cleared about a thousand mines and devices that the militia has planted in many areas.

Houthi militias have deliberately planted hundreds of mines and explosive devices indiscriminately in the roads and near homes and farms in the northern Dhale’ regions.

The sources said that the Engineering Division of the Southern Forces was able to remove a large amount of camouflaged natural color mines that the Houthis had planted in those areas before liberating them.

It added, that the Houthis relied on many methods and methods in laying mines and explosive devices, by camouflaging them, so that they would expect the greatest harm to civilians in those areas.

It is noteworthy that the Houthi militia planted more than half a million mines and explosive devices in the liberated Yemeni governorates, among them internationally prohibited mines, which killed hundreds of civilians and caused thousands of permanent disabilities to others.