Motion Graphic: Al-Jawf.. Expected Fall

English - Monday 09 March 2020 الساعة 01:33 pm
Aden, Newsyemen, private:

The fall of Al-Jawf governorate, in the northeast of the country, by the Houthi militia, the Iranian arm in Yemen, was not surprising, given several issues that preceded the fall.

The Islah party, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, controlled the Legitimacy Army, without caring for the battle with the Houthis.

 Brotherhood leaders flooded the Legitimacy Army with corruption and fake names, and stole its weapons and stocked them in private warehouses.

 The Brotherhood also withdrew several military brigades to fight the southerners in the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa, and left the Houthi militia to expand.

The Newsyemen channel on YouTube publishes a Motion Graphics video that shows the most prominent Brotherhood practices that paved and led to the fall of Al-Jawf Governorate in the hands of the Houthi militia, including the expansion of islah towards Shabwa to Mahrah.