Solider kills officer in Taiz

English - Tuesday 22 January 2019 الساعة 07:36 pm
Taiz –

Officer was killed and a soldier was wounded Monday dawn by a solider shot in Taiz city, central Yemen, a security source said to Newsyemen.

The source added that the solider at the 35 Brigade known by Saleh Abduljabbar Al-Asadi shot fire on the officer AbdulNour Ahmed Mohammed Qahtan on 26 Sept. Street in Taiz city.

The officer was killed instantly and another soldier Hamid Hazza'a al-Qadsi was wounded.

He added that the incident came because of private disputes between the officer and the solider who belong to al-Osba brigade.

Ali Saeed al-Athuri was seriously injured when gunmen on motorbike threw a hand grenade near his tent on Gamal street in Taiz city.