The hidden "Brotherhood" battle against the national symbols’ movement, the President al-Hamdi is example
English - Thursday 28 February 2019 الساعة 06:35 pm
Abdullah al-Odaini, a member of the Islah Party, the radical cleric, did not say his opinion in a such Friday's speech over the late Yemeni President Ebrahim al-Hamdi, the Islahi member went on saying that al-Hamdi, is a bad man ...his history full of wine and corruption", but al-Odaini was speaking on behalf of the Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in Yemen.
The Muslim Brotherhood Movement persevered in confronting the Republic system and it attributed and described the September 26th Revolution as " the Ignorant Revolution", they also killed a number of the national symbols over the past decades.
According to information and lectures were recorded by some of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders that the overthrow of the Republican regime and the establishment of the Islamic regime was an aim of forming the local branch of the international organization, the Muslim Brotherhood.
They, later, modified the plan to overthrow the regime and found it was better to build their parallel state in the heart of the State’s institutions.
The Brotherhood's plan was met with a strong opposition by the National Movement (Socialists and Nationalists) figures in northern part of Yemen.
They Brotherhood Movement exploited its presence within the State to liquidate the Republican leaders after they described the National Movement as KUFAR (unbelievers).
The Brotherhood Organization exploited the Cold War and the Gulf States' fears of the socialist expansion in southern part of Yemen to participate in the war in the central regions, where it killed and hid leaders of the National Front, including torture.
The tribal leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen Abdullah bin Hussein al-Ahmar participated in the assassination of President Ebrahim Mohamed al-Hamdi on October 11, 1977.
The appetite of the Brotherhood leaders increased to harass and kill the Nasserites after a failed coup against the regime of the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh on 15 October 1988.
In the eighties and nineties of the last century, the Brotherhood got to kill the rest of the revolutionaries, the men of the national movement and the symbols of enlightenment, through moral assassinations (the Brotherhood's Fatwa against another side), and physical assassinations (assassinations, poison, traffic accidents).
At that time, the Muslim Brotherhood organization practiced political crimes and assassinations that eliminated a number of the republic's leaders, political leaders, and intellectual leaderships, and was managed and run by the Muslim Brotherhood's secret official organs.