The crimes of the Imamate and the Hell of Tihama
English - Wednesday 21 September 2022 الساعة 09:47 am
In every Tahami house there is a martyr killed by the Imamate, and in every Tahamia village a land plundered by the Imamate, starting from the war waged by Imam Al-Mutawakkil Ahmed bin Suleiman on the villages of Al-Muhajim and Wadi Ain in the eleventh century AD, to the wars of Imam Al-Mutawakkil Ismail bin Al-Qasim in the seventeenth century, and his fatwa The sectarianism in which the people of Tihama described Al-Shawafi’ as apostates for violating his belief, and considering their lands to be kharaj lands treated as infidels’ lands, obligating its owners to pay its tarraj to him as the imam of the Muslims, after the lands of Tihama were formerly occult lands, from which tithes are taken as zakat as they are taken from Muslims.
Among the wars of Imam Yahya Hamid al-Din and his son Ahmad against the Zaraniq tribes, from 1925 until 1929, and the expropriation of their money and property as booty. They looted their lands and considered them "state lands". To the Qawqar massacre in late 1967, to suppress the uprising of the Zaraniq protesting, against the return of the Imamate in a new form following the coup of November 5, 1967, supported by the tribal leaders and who arranged for him to involve the royalists in the rule, as the conditions of the people in Tihama worsened, after those leaders made the Tihama a spoil, and practiced all Forms of humiliation and domination of its people.
And it does not end with the military campaigns in September 2022, launched by the Houthi Imami militia, to confiscate thousands of hectares of citizens’ lands in the districts of Al Hudaydah Governorate, which began in the northern districts and extended east to the districts of Al Marawa’ah, Bajil, Al Hujaila, and then headed south to the districts of Al Tuhayta and Bait Al Faqih, with the aim of seizing Vast and fertile agricultural lands, allegedly belonging to endowments.
sectarian fatwas
According to the creed of the secret dynasty, the violators of their Hadedian Persian creed. They are considered apostates and infidels, because, according to their claim, they gave the right of Ahl al-Bayt to the guardianship of others, and therefore the Hadawiya Imamate considers that those who violate its creed are infidels, their blood and money will be dissolved.
And Imam Al-Mutawakkil Ahmed bin Suleiman issued a fatwa, in the twelfth century , permitting the killing of a female fighter - fighters - the Arabs of Tihama, and capturing their offspring; The army of this criminal imam raided “to Wadi Ayn, captivated and killed, as well as to the attacker, and killed and captivated, and the captives went to the Levant, and the Muslims trampled upon them,” according to what the historians have written.
As for Imam Al-Mutawakkil Ismail bin Al-Qasim. Who wanted to expand his influence after the withdrawal of the Ottomans from Yemen in the seventeenth century. After their occupation of it for the first time in the name of the Ottoman Caliphate, he directed his armies to subjugate the Shafi’i areas to his influence, including Tihama, and because these armies needed preparation and huge budgets, so Al-Mutawakkil Ismail only issued a fatwa according to which the Tihama land would be transformed from a Ashriyeh land that gives zakat, to A “infidel” land presents the tax, describing his armies that invade the lands of the safe Muslims as armies of struggle in the cause of God, considering that everything that the imam imposes on the people in general or on some of them is a right deserved and a debt that must be offered voluntarily or taken involuntarily, authorizing himself as the Imam of the right to money The people, and what they own of land, trade and animals, the master controls his slave or “the master’s strike on his slave.”
It must be pointed out here that Imam al-Mutawakkil in God Ismael bin al-Qasim is also the author of the most famous books, “Guidance of the Listener in Permissibility of Taking the Shaafa’’s Money,” and the imams after him followed him, and even his fatwa and its author became the imams’ support for all the acts of looting that they practiced, and crimes which they have committed.
Disciplining the Zaraniq
Imam Yahya Hamid al-Din waged several wars against the Tihama and the Zaraniq tribes, which began in 1925, and assigned his son Saif al-Islam Ahmed to lead a huge military campaign to discipline the Zaraniq in the years 1929-1928. He marched to them with a large army from the tribes of Hashid and the northern tribes, and from the tribes surrounding the Zaraniq, and the forces surrounded them from every side. However, these valiant armies were unable to dislodge the Zaraniq from their fortifications, and the Imamate forces were defeated in terrible defeats.
After a full year of fighting, in which the Zaraniqs stunned the Imam’s armies and bled the personal defeats of the leader of his armies, Saif al-Islam Ahmed was able in October 1929. He entered the city of Beit al-Faqih, the capital of Zaraniq, after being recruited to a fifth column that revealed to him the plans and fortifications of the Zaraniq, and the front army ravaged the city and villages. It was affiliated with it by plunder and looting, and even the homes of the people were not spared from looting and burning. Imam Yahya issued his orders to distribute a lot of lands to his army commanders as a reward for them, after looting the documents on land ownership from the people. To be an excuse for looting and theft under the name of “state lands.”
looting and abuse
Imam Yahya dealt with the people of Tihama with blatant sectarianism and racism, and considered the Tuhama's property as a booty. After we had abused them, he also abolished the schools, institutes, and scientific associations for which Tihama was famous. He plundered the endowment and the lands belonging to the Shafi'i sheikhs and closed religious schools. Especially Zabid, which is the most important Shafi'i stronghold in the Arabian Peninsula.
The researcher Elena Globovskaya points out in her book "The September 26 Revolution in Yemen" that during the era of the Imamate the agricultural area owned by the royal family in Tihama alone amounted to 9,000 hectares. And that one of the feudal families of the governors of the Imam in the Valley of More owned agricultural lands estimated at an area of 15,75 thousand hectares.
burning Quqar
After the coup of November 5, 1967 supported by the tribal leaders, which arranged for him to involve the royalists in the government. The Imamate returned allied with the tribe, and the conditions of the people in Tihama had increased due to the spread of corruption and the return of injustice, tyranny and class distinctions. Tribal / Imamate leaders in the Hudaydah Brigade Authority. Domination, racism and contempt against the people of Tihama. A challenge to the goals of the September 26, 1962 revolution in freedom and an end to injustice and tyranny.
Sheikh Sinan Abu Lahoum, governor of Hodeidah, rejected Tihama's demands for reform, provision of projects, development, problem solving, and citizen service. Instead, he sought to implement feudal policies. This made the citizens of Tihama rise up against this reactionary, forward situation, and cut them off from the Al-Quqar-Taiz and Bab Al-Naqah road, in order to gather and prevent the passage of officials.
On December 17, 1967. Governor Sinan Abu Lahoum directed a military campaign with tanks, machine guns, and soldiers, in order to subdue the Tuhamis in Quqar. Villages were bombed and 30 villages were burned, including: Al-Quqar, Al-Maqluba, Al-Mahasas, Al-Abbasi, Sateeh, Al-Bardah, Al-Musiyah, Al-Sabra, Beit Jaafar, Al-Qaza’a and others. Hundreds of people were killed, including dozens of women and children. Ammunition, and this was considered the beginning of the first punishment for the Republican elements.
put out rejection
In mid-October 2014, the descendants of the Houthi Imamate managed to storm the city of Hodeidah. After seizing weapons depots belonging to the army from camps outside the city, to then use those looted weapons, equipment and military vehicles, to provoke the people of Hodeidah and target their peaceful marches, in addition to the militia's bombing of residential areas and neighborhoods. In order to subject the citizens to the fait accompli.
After their control of the city, and in an attempt to quell the popular rejection of the presence of Houthi militants in the city, the Houthi militia, the arm of Iran, stormed the Tuhami Movement Square, which led to violent clashes with the movement's supporters. It extended to residential neighborhoods adjacent to the square, and caused a large number of casualties.
The leaders of the coup militia seized and spread vast lands belonging to the people of Hodeidah Governorate, under the justification that this space is a “divine right,” according to a militia leader who recently robbed a floor in Kilo 16 area in Hodeidah.
bloody morning
On the morning of September 18, 2021, the terrorist Houthi militia executed 9 of the sons of Tihama, after they were framed for conspiracy and complicity with the Arab coalition in the assassination of the mortal Saleh Al-Sammad. The strong confirm the liquidation of Al-Sammad by the current represented by Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi and Abu Ali Al-Hakim, after the escalation of differences over interests and influence between them and the dead.
And information leaked, days before Al-Samad’s killing, indicated differences within the Houthi group between the movement led by Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi and Saleh Al-Sammad’s movement, and the occurrence of armed clashes, and an exchange of accusations of theft among its members, after which information leaked about Saleh’s placement under house arrest, after the disappearance of The financial resources they seized from the Yemeni people, the Houthis announced the death of the "President of the Revolutionary Council" in an air raid of the coalition.